Safeguarding supervision support – does it help?

April 1st, 2019

Significant safeguarding challenges can arise daily in schools. Being a safeguarding lead is a demanding but essential role in student wellbeing. Recognising this, Octavo’s Educational Psychologists launched its supervision support service for safeguarding leads. Taking part in regular group supervision helps address the challenges – focused discussions help safeguarding leads reflect on case management, identify whole school safeguarding strategies and manage the emotions that can arise.

One year on and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive:

“Having a non-judgemental, confidential and supportive forum to discuss safeguarding issues is a really powerful tool and one that we can thoroughly recommend”. Octavo delegate March 2019

“Participants have commented on the importance of having time to be heard and reflect on their cases alongside hearing others views and ideas. They feel more aware of alternative support agencies, interventions that are available and when to challenge.” Dr Katie Ellis.

Find out More:

Having a non-judgemental, confidential and supportive forum to discuss safeguarding issues is a really powerful tool and one that we can thoroughly recommend.

Octavo delegate March 2019